Tuesday, August 31, 2010


"FIX THIS MESS"  That was the message that awaited me when I opened word up to work on my novel today.  There was, apparently, a section of it where I wrote the same scene in two different ways and then thought they'd make perfect sense if I put them back to back.  Whoops.  Trying to think with kiddos running around is apparently harder than it seems.   Harder still?  Typing with a damn wrist brace on.   Unbearably difficult?  Writing in this heat.  Seriously, this is not cool.  I need me some FALL and I need it now.  There.  Venting over.  You may go about your business.

p.s. Don't forget to vote on Monday's poll.  Your voice matters!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Quiet Hour-Genius or Guilt Worthy?

Today was the first day of school for most of us (home schoolers included).  So in an effort to preserve my own sanity AND allow for me to get some writing done, I've instituted 'quiet hour' where my children are separated from each other (or else the bickering would defeat the purpose of 'quiet' hour) and where I am separate from them (giving me some much needed alone time to form a coherent thought).  This is the first day I've done it and already have conflicting emotions.  On the one hand I was THRILLED to have the time to write (I got 2 pages down, and some other revisions), but then I felt guilty that I was, in a sense, sending them into solitary confinement.

So, I've set up a poll on the side bar...Is Quiet Hour Genius or Guilt Worthy?  Rock the vote!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The journey begins

My professor made me do it; made me create this blog as a way to force my hand at learning digital writing.  It is a feeble attempt to get me to blog, but alas, I do as I'm told.  Ever the good student.

Since I'm not sure what this blog is 'supposed' to be about at this time, I'm going to use it as I wish, (so there).  I am going to use it to try and motivate myself to write daily (and not monthly).  I am currently working on a novel--and have been for over a year...the end is in sight, but I just can't seem to find the time.  It is my hope this blog will give me the guilt factor I need to kick it into high gear.

Today I wrote for 3.5 minutes.  Hey, it's a start, right?