Monday, August 30, 2010

Quiet Hour-Genius or Guilt Worthy?

Today was the first day of school for most of us (home schoolers included).  So in an effort to preserve my own sanity AND allow for me to get some writing done, I've instituted 'quiet hour' where my children are separated from each other (or else the bickering would defeat the purpose of 'quiet' hour) and where I am separate from them (giving me some much needed alone time to form a coherent thought).  This is the first day I've done it and already have conflicting emotions.  On the one hand I was THRILLED to have the time to write (I got 2 pages down, and some other revisions), but then I felt guilty that I was, in a sense, sending them into solitary confinement.

So, I've set up a poll on the side bar...Is Quiet Hour Genius or Guilt Worthy?  Rock the vote!


  1. I am admiring your use of "solitary confinement." I'm thinking about it for my 14 year old son who needs to multi task with ipod, blaring t.v. and talking to me, even though he says he doesn't want to talk with me. I also want to mention that I love the way your blog is set up. How did you get images in here? I guess I can figure this one out.

  2. There is a place where you're doing your blog post at the top where your style stuff like bold and such that says 'images', then you can browse your computer or look up an image online. This is all new to me too! And thanks for commenting!!! :)
