Monday, February 7, 2011

Dream a little dream...

So here in Maine, we've been dumped on with snow.  It's up to my waist dudes.  That's not cool.  To top if off, just as blizzard number 300 was vomiting on us, my hubby threw out his back with the first shovel of snow.   Which means instead of writing, I'm shoveling.  Grrrr. 

Once his back heals, he knows he'll owe me for having to wait on him hand and foot and do all of the other husbandly duties normally assigned to him.  Know what I'm asking for?  Nope, not diamonds (although they would be deserved.)  I'm asking for....

Time off.  Like a weekend.  Take the kids and visit your folks, go scuba diving, I don't care.  Just let me be in my house, surrounded by quiet. 


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