Sunday, August 29, 2010

The journey begins

My professor made me do it; made me create this blog as a way to force my hand at learning digital writing.  It is a feeble attempt to get me to blog, but alas, I do as I'm told.  Ever the good student.

Since I'm not sure what this blog is 'supposed' to be about at this time, I'm going to use it as I wish, (so there).  I am going to use it to try and motivate myself to write daily (and not monthly).  I am currently working on a novel--and have been for over a year...the end is in sight, but I just can't seem to find the time.  It is my hope this blog will give me the guilt factor I need to kick it into high gear.

Today I wrote for 3.5 minutes.  Hey, it's a start, right?

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