Friday, February 4, 2011

Slow and Steady?

Now where is The End of this thing?

So I'm slowly working on the 3rd draft of this stinking novel and really wanting to be done with it so I can work on something else...anything else.  Now you say, 'why don't you just shelf the book and work on something else then?'  Excellent question.  Because if I work on something (even for Grad school) that isn't my novel, I feel like I'm cheating on a lover.  Insanity, I know.  Does anyone else get like this when they write, or is it just me? 

I have several things brewing in my head, but until I get this thing done, I can't disengage.  So, I'm trudging along.  I'm on chapter 10 of 15 chapters of editing, and I'm finding I hate my book, hate my characters, hate my writing (which, I'm told is normal...I certainly hope so.)  But I've promised myself, that once it's done with this edit, I'm going to get a proof of it and hand it off to someone trusted to read, and in the meantime, I'm going to write whatever I want.

In the meantime, I'm plugging away at thin plot lines in a desperate attempt to finish the stupid thing.  Grumble.  :)


  1. I have a feeling it's not just you. Your inspiration will come when you least expect it... probably when you are trying to write something for your grad class that is due the next day. Keep at it!!!

  2. I've started taking a mini recorder with me, since I get ideas while I'm driving or sleeping. Neither a good time to write things down. Thanks for reading! :)
