Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Blank Stare

That was me. Staring blankly at my computer screen as I realized I had just closed out of my novel without saving. Crap’ola!

I didn't save it??? WHAT??

Instead of freaking out, I just sat calmly in front of the screen (this may, or may not have had anything to do with the fact that DD was sleeping in the next room). My brain scrambled as I tried to recall the last words I had written…but nothing. Not a single moment of recall. To be fair, I had ‘stepped away’ from the novel to do a little ‘research’ which ended up as checking e-mail and Facebook.

See?  Research.
After I stepped away from the machine (and had a big cup of coffee to calm my nerves) I realized that it didn’t matter.  That my fingers will find the words again with no help from my brain.  Because, this story, so far, has been writing itself with no conscious effort on my part. It’s as if my fingers are possessed sometimes. I often will go back and read over older chapters in my book and have NO memory of writing it and find myself getting hooked into the story and forget that I’m meant to be editing not reading!

What I want to know, is this normal? For a story to overtake you like this? Has anyone else experienced this? Or is a trip to the looney bin in order?

Help me.


  1. "I often will go back and read over older chapters in my book and have NO memory of writing it and find myself getting hooked into the story and forget that I’m meant to be editing not reading!"

    That happens to me all the time. Congratulations!!! Best feeling EVER!

  2. I'm not writing a novel, so I can't comment on that, but I do often write stories in my head while I'm exercising and then come home and try to furiously type the story. I usually have to go for another jog to get the next part down. Good for the body! Love that picture you posted!

  3. jogging...yeah, that's something I don't do. I try never to run unless someone is chasing me with a knife...

  4. I'm not sure about work writing itself, but I do know that once I have "committed something to a media" (written page, audio tape, etc.), it's definitely out of my head, and I won't get that piece back again, in its "original" form...ever :-}

  5. "jogging...yeah, that's something I don't do. I try never to run unless someone is chasing me with a knife... " This is why we are friends...I promise to NEVER chase you with a knife.

    I can't comment on the process...it's been too long...I forget.
