Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Writer's Block no more

I did it!  I did it!  I used the time that my kiddos were visiting the grandparents to write and guess what??  I got past the part in my novel that wasn't working AT ALL.  I'd been stuck there for weeks and you wanna know how I got past it?   Come closer, it's a surprise. 

okay, you're close enough now. 

I hit
THE DELETE BUTTON OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!!!! until all of the bad stuff went away.  And I wasn't even sad that 3 pages went out the door, because in their place several more (and far better pages) came forth.  It made me realise, once again, that I am not in charge of this story.  My characters are in the driver's seat, and it was as though one of them was saying "I SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO wouldn't do that, so I'm not gonna give you anything else til you change that crap!"  Once I did, the block was gone and I've been writing ever since.  Well, I've been writing when the kiddos aren't crawling all over me, but it's still progress!!!


  1. Whoo hoo! Brave woman. And congratulations!

  2. As Karen said to Bror in Out of Africa (or at least Meryl said to Klaus in the film), "My God, but you are brave." :-)

  3. YEAH!!! I have new reading material!! You rock!

  4. Kari, whether you know it or not, you are a huge motivator for me. I sit down to write knowing that SOMEONE is hounding me for more, and that gets my fingers moving, just to know there is an audience to read it, since hubby won't until it's done.

  5. Ken and RJ, Brave or stupid...very thin line. :)

  6. You've probably already posted this-but what is your novel about? I admire anyone that can write a novel! Wow!!

  7. Danielle, my sister has written 3 novels and is working on the publishing process. She had and then dropped one agent and now is shopping for another. It is quite a process. I enjoy the look and read of your blog. Thanks for posting.

  8. Kim, this is the novel of which I read Chapter one of in Kate's class. I haven't posted the plot line yet, cause I'm having a hard time describing what it's about!!!

    Nancy, the process is just beginning for me. Have to finish the book first!!!
