Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Is that a light I see?

A friend of mine just finished her first draft of her much anticipated second novel (Go RJ!) and it got me to thinking how far away from I from reaching that goal.  I'm guessing I'm about 3-5 chapters away at this point.  Which could be a month or a year, depending on what my characters shout in my ears.  But the thought of finishing it is titillating.  Perhaps even motivational?  Nah!

And what, you ask, will I do when that day happens?

The details have yet to be worked out as to what this party will entail, but I'm hoping it includes a trip to Olive Garden and their raspberry cheese cake  Yup, I'm an addict. 

Their food may be the motivation I need to get writing.  Whatever it takes, right?

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