Monday, September 27, 2010

It's done, it's done...tra, la, la, it's done...sort of

I have typed the final words of my FIRST draft of my FIRST novel:  THE END.  I'm not going to keep the words 'THE END' in the final book, but it was something that I needed to type in order to wrap my brain around the idea that it was finished.  And as I was typing those two words I realized how fun it is.  Come on, try it with me:


Didn't that feel good (lie to me if it didn't).

The bigger issue, of course, is if I got to have my cheese cake or not.  Drum roll please....

No.  I did NOT get the coveted cheese cake, primarily because my bank account at the moment would allow either for a cheesecake (which I would not share) or buy dinner for my family.   *sigh*  I went with food for the entire family.   See how selfless I am?  Perhaps when I've finished the FINAL draft I'll get to have my cheesecake and eat it too.

In the meantime, I have to edit.  I've given copies to a few readers to help with editing, but I know what I need to do.  I need to rent a hotel room for a night and just edit.  No distractions, no noise.  Just typing.  It actually sounds so good that I might just give that to myself as my 35th Birthday present next week?  Which has inspired another poll.  See side bar and VOTE on what I should do for my birthday.


  1. Congrats! What a huge accomplishment. Definitely splurge for the cheesecake while you edit! ;)

  2. I am happy that you finished your first draft! I am proud of you. Good luck with your revising.

  3. Congratulations Danielle! The cheesecake looks yummy :) Happy editing.
