Friday, September 3, 2010

When "Quiet Hour" turns into "Nap time for Mama"

Guilty.  Totally guilty.  Instead of using my well thought out quiet hour for writting, I took a nap.  Dude, I was tired.  DS had me awake several times during the night with 'bad dreams' which is just code for 'mom, I just want you to sleep beside me.'   So productivity for the day was a wash, right?  Wrong!!!  Nap time became:

I had been at a standstill with my novel, not sure where it wanted to take me next, and as I was drifting off to la la land, it came to me.   I now have some direction and will have a much more productive quiet hour today.  I promise.

And thanks to the two people who voted on my know who you are!


  1. My best inspiration has come while I've been asleep or in the shower. If someone would kindly invent a waterproof laptop, I could write two or three books a year. (Or not.)

  2. and my inspiration came during late night feedings when I had infants, and now, while driving to work.

    Blog is looking good!
